Case Study


Patrick Boyd
Landlords Properties
30+ Years
Industry Experience

Choosing WeconnectU

After almost 30 years in business, Landlords’ has a well-established mission: to provide good service and value to its clients, and to keep growing its rental and community scheme portfolios. Over the years, however, the management team found the business increasingly complex to manage using traditional tools and technology. They began looking for an alternative cloud-based solution.

“We had been looking around for quite a few years before we came across WeconnectU,” recalls Patrick Boyd, Landlords principal, manager and owner. Quickly won over by WeconnectU’s “very, very reasonable” price point and well-integrated, end-to-end functionality (a gamechanger coming from Pastel) Landlords chose to begin their adoption journey with WeconnectU’s Community Management Solution, followed by the Rental Asset Management solution.

Making the transition

“We found the backup from the WeconnectU office and management to be excellent, with all the training and the help that we had.” Patrick Boyd, Landlords

“We found the transition very easy,” says Patrick, referring to Landlords’ adoption of both solutions, and pointing out that WeconnectU’s Rental Academy was particularly helpful in empowering their employees.

“The service from WeconnectU was really top class,” he adds. “From the first month, everything ran smoothly.

Business Outcomes

Greater Manageability

“We’re very happy with the fact that we moved to WeconnectU.” – Partick Boyd, Landlords

For Landlords founder, Patrick, the standout feature of WeconnectU is its centralised functionality and total transparency.

“WeconnectU’s dashboard allows you to have an instant overview of everything that is going on, and be able to address it,” he says. “Our decisions are quicker. It's not taking mountains of emails or back and forward phone calls and WhatsApps to get decisions.”

Patrick also enjoys the traceable nature of all WeconnectU communications.

“I can send out emails to the trustees, to owners or whatever else, and there's a record of it,” he says. “When people come back to me and say, ‘I didn't get my email’, I'm able to go, ‘Hold on a moment, I’ve got to check… Yes, you did. On this date and this time. You received it and you read it.’ It takes away a lot of a lot of nonsense for us and lets us get to the point very quickly.”

Compelling marketability

“WeconnectU is a great selling point.” Patrick Boyd, Landlords

Patrick says WeconnectU has become a primary tool for marketing Landlords’ services, and convincing clients to move their portfolios over to the team.

“When I’m speaking to different complexes, I’m able to show them, this is the programme that we’re using. This is our platform,” agrees Patrick.

“WeconnectU is such an excellent, cloud-based end-to-end solution where we can manage our communities, our rentals and our inspections all on one platform,” adds Patrick. “WeconnectU makes us more professional.”

Ultimate scalability

Before moving to WeconnectU, Patrick says Landlords’ growth had become stunted – a challenge that was quickly resolved thanks to WeconnectU’s improved manageability and subsequent scalability.

“We found that our team was basically the same, but they could take on much more,” he says. “We were always wondering how we were going to take on extra business, and looking at the balance of employing extra staff, but with WeconnectU, we can do a lot more with the same people.”

Transparent value

“WeconnectU makes us more professional. It just makes us shine better than anyone else out there.” Patrick, Landlords

WeconnectU’s transparency has played an important role in helping Landlords create and communicate more visible value to their clients.

“Before, clients used to almost feel they were in the dark because they couldn’t see what was going on,” says Patrick. “They would say, ‘Who’s spending our money? Who’s authorising it? Where’s the money going?’. With WeconnectU they can log in and see exactly what’s going on all the time, and they’re totally on the same page as us on a daily basis.”

Importantly, this visibility also extends to KPIs like asset growth, helping to position Landlords as asset managers, rather than just agents.

This professionalism is reinforced by WeconnectU’s cloud-driven accessibility, enabling portfolio managers to tap into the rich data contained within the platform at any time.

“They can open their laptop, go straight into the system and show the trustees exactly what’s going on in their communities,” says Patrick. “And it makes a huge difference.”

Choosing WeconnectU

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